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Klefont Mooncrat
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
! U+0021 " U+0022 # U+0023 $ U+0024 % U+0025 & U+0026 ' U+0027 ( U+0028
) U+0029 * U+002A + U+002B , U+002C - U+002D . U+002E / U+002F 1 U+0031
2 U+0032 3 U+0033 4 U+0034 5 U+0035 6 U+0036 7 U+0037 8 U+0038 9 U+0039
: U+003A ; U+003B < U+003C = U+003D > U+003E ? U+003F @ U+0040 A U+0041
B U+0042 C U+0043 D U+0044 E U+0045 F U+0046 G U+0047 H U+0048 I U+0049
J U+004A K U+004B L U+004C M U+004D N U+004E O U+004F P U+0050 Q U+0051
R U+0052 S U+0053 T U+0054 U U+0055 V U+0056 W U+0057 X U+0058 Y U+0059
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l U+006C m U+006D n U+006E o U+006F p U+0070 q U+0071 r U+0072 s U+0073
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U+2013 U+2014 U+2015 U+2016 U+2017 U+2018 U+2019 U+201A
U+201B U+201C U+201D U+201E U+2022 U+2026 U+20AC U+2122
U+F000 U+F001 U+F002 U+F003 U+F004 U+F005 U+F006 U+F007

Emphasizing casual and delightful lettering style, this display font is perfect for any projects focused on culinary themes. The font is adaptable for any design needs, either you go for food packaging or posters. So, are you ready to create an irresistible, tasty design with this font style? Additionally, Klefont Mooncrat includes not only alternate characters but also the ligature; that will help you to personalize the look of your final design.

Feel free to contact us if you have any question regarding this unique font.


Pollux of Geminorum


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Klefont Mooncrat