
How to Choose the Best Font for Your Video Subtitle

A video subtitle should be easy to read, comfortable to look at, and not obstructive. To achieve these criteria, choosing the best font for the subtitle requires several steps to avoid discomfort when viewing the video. Since there is no particular “standard” of video subtitle fonts, the only thing left to do is the ways that we can do to choose the best one. This article shall explain the know-how to make your subtitle enjoyable to watch and read without coming off as discomforting and obstructive during the whole video’s duration.

How to Choose the “Correct” Font

Source : Veed

Easy to read

As much as we would like to choose the most attractive fonts for a video’s subtitle, these fonts need to abide by the principle of readability. Because of that, sometimes, the fanciest fonts are not considered suitable choices for making video subtitles.

To choose fonts that actually work, you can consider using the popular ones for video makers, fonts that are either free or premium (in some cases) to fulfill that readability criterion.

Not flashy

When making video subtitles, you need to remember that the subtitles must suit the videos’ overall feel and not the other way around. Because of that, the subtitles should not steal the spotlight that is the video’s role.

To do that, you can use the white color on your subtitle to make sure the subtitle is readable in almost any video. However, other colors may work, depending on the situation and the videos’ color details.

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Solid outline

Related to the previous point, the key to making your subtitle readable while maintaining a usual color is making sure the font has solid outlines that can prevent the words from being blurred.

With a solid outline, the words in your subtitle will be highly readable despite the abundance of colors in the video’s background. In addition, this outline can also prevent disorientation from the potential of having the subtitle’s colors mixed unexpectedly with the video.

Suitable with your need

Above all, there is one thing that you need to do before choosing the correct fonts for your subtitle: identify your needs first to make sure both the subtitle and the video can present themselves in harmony.

For instance, you should consider using fonts such as Roboto and Helvetica for fresh and crisp-looking fonts that can illustrate casualness and professionalism at the same time.

Apart from these two, you can also choose other fonts suitable for your videos’ overall atmosphere and looks, so you are free to choose anything that meets your tastes and needs.


From all choices of fonts out there, you should consider that your audience is humans, and they need fonts that are easy and enjoyable to look at.

For that reason, you should choose fonts that are highly readable for audiences from all backgrounds, especially when you make the subtitle texts small-sized.

Doing so can help people who are not previously accustomed to subtitles get used to high-quality subtitles, increasing their reading comprehension when viewing videos.


The font that you are going to choose for your video subtitle is the one that suits your needs the most. In this regard, we at Pollux of Geminorum are ready to present you with many choices of fonts for your needs as well. Contact us for more information!

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