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Display Font

The Best 19 Display Font Ideas Every Designer Needs to Know

Today’s graphic designers have to work on a myriad of creative projects, whether they design a logo, branding, or even UI design. Each project can, of course, have its own scale format, either large or small. Thus, unlike standard fonts which cannot fit into all graphic design projects, a display font can easily outfit various …

Graphic Design

10 Asian-Style Touches to Your Creative Graphic Design Projects

We find and feel Asian touches in many segments of today’s society. This oriental style has conveyed their time-honored and rich history of cultural heritage, making them distinct and even captivating. The influence goes to the realm of graphic design as well.  We witness Asian-driven visuals like arts, literature, movies, movie posters, restaurant or company …


Introducing Mujahideen, an unique font in arabic style. Inspired from beautiful arabian calligraphy, this font is suitable for any islamic or Middle East content. Perfect for logo, branding, book cover, wedding invitation, poster, banner, flyer, video, TVC, etc. It has Open Type features so you have many style options that you can access them from …