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The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
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Megalot is a bold font from Pollux of Geminorum, a typeface suitable as a display font, perfect for social media content, marketing materials, book cover. It has alternate options to make it more versatile and give you more versatility when designing your project.

Megalot is a strong, bold font with thick strokes perfect for headlines or titles, perfect balance of style and readibility. It’s bold without being too heavy, which makes them readable even when they’re at smaller sizes. making it perfect for your next project! Megalot is a typeface that has been designed to be used in any kind of design work.

Megalot – Bold Font feature :

– Uppercase

– Lowercase

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– Alternates

– Numeral & Punctuation

– Multilingual Support

– PUA Encoded

A new and innovative typeface that can be used in any situation where you need to make your text stand out!


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Megalot – Bold Font