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The Bravery
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
! U+0021 " U+0022 # U+0023 $ U+0024 % U+0025 & U+0026 ' U+0027 ( U+0028
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U+20AC U+2122 U+2212

Pollux of Geminorum presents The Bravery Typeface. All caps font with classic style. With OpenType features, Stylistic Alternates and Swash. You can mix and match the letters also combine them with ornaments (bonus) that will make this font eye-catching and look stylish. To access the alternate glyphs, you need a program that supports OpenType features such as Adobe Illustrator CS and Adobe Indesign. For more information about how to access alternate glyphs, you can see it on this link ( You can use this font as headline, logo, wedding invitation, t-shirt design, posters, label, book cover, greeting card, etc.

You will get :

  • The Bravery Font (OTF)
  • The Bravery Font (TTF)

Update Version 1.1

  • Added multilanguage glyphs
  • Added copyright, registered, percent, trademark, etc.


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The Bravery