To be highly valued, a resume should look professional, unique, and engaging at the same time. Besides providing detailed information about your skills and educational backgrounds, another effective way to achieve such a goal is to use the best font and typeface. If you are planning to send out your resume for a particular job position, here are some excellent choices of fonts you should take into account.

Cambria is among the top list of professional fonts that you shouldn’t miss out. Cambria serves as a great option for job application, from resumes to cover letters despite its traditional look. Since its first introduction in 2004, the original design of this typeface was specifically designed to be outstanding on-screen. Using it on printed resumes is also considered a benefit because the typeface can maintain its excellent state at small sizes.
Belong to Microsoft’s ClearType Fonts collection, Constantia is another great choice to be featured on your professional application. This font has round letterforms, which makes it look equally good for both digital and printed versions.
Times New Roman might be regarded as the most popular typeface for professional use. However, Georgia is ready to be a great alternative if you think that the said font is overused. This typeface has thicker strokes and high clarity, especially for digital documents such as PDF.
There’s a strong reason why Calibri is used to replace Times New Roman as the default font in Microsoft Word. First of all, this sans-serif font is universally safe and perfectly readable. As a result, its typefaces look smooth whenever you render them on computers. Calibri also offers a professional appearance, making it an excellent choice for any working environment.
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Trebuchet MS
Take a leap from a common, traditional resume look by using Trebuchet MS as your typeface. Compared to most resume fonts featured on this list, Trebuchet MS is more modern and textured. It will be a great alternative if you want to avoid some classic options like Calibri.
It is another sans-serif font that will look good on your resume. If you are a beginner applicant and not sure which lettering to use on your first job application, Arial is considered the safest bet. This typeface comes with a high level of cleanliness and readability, making it one of the most common options for professional purposes.
Clean, lighthearted, and modern are some honest adjectives that can describe the characteristics of Helvetica. More than that, it is highly valued by its professionality in the business world. In addition to being an excellent choice for resumes, Helvetica is widely used in various corporate logos, including electronic and vehicle brands.
The list of excellent fonts for professional resumes is concluded at this point, but it doesn’t mean that your choice is limited. Many other fonts outside this list can also be applied to your resume as long as it has an average thickness and is easy to read in different media. Visit this site to find more options of font inspiration and optimize your typography on every occasion!