Typography is one of the most integral elements of graphic design. It’s a must-learn component for every beginner in the design industry. Yet, it wouldn’t hurt for those with years of experience in the industry to recharge their mind about the fundamental rules of typography elaborated in the following discussions.

Learn the Principles
Learning the ins and outs of typography is the very first step toward highly effective typography. Essentially, typography is a complex combination between science and art. A typeface’s composition includes measurements, specifications, and measurements that must be considered and identified.
Much like other design components, you will only have the flexibility to breach this rule if you know the principles by heart. Also, it’s acceptable for you to purposely do it to produce something meaningful.
Limit the Use of Fonts
Using too many types of fonts is a typical mistake made by designers, especially beginners. There’s always a time when you need more than one font. In that case, you need to limit the use of fonts to two or three types.
Professionals in graphic design generally only use three font types and sizes: one for the body, one for the header, and one for the subheading. If you feel hesitant in selecting fonts from various typefaces, try to combine two different fonts and see if there is a coherency between the pairing.
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Practice Alignment
The majority of non-designers usually opt for Center or Justify alignment, making paragraphs hard to read. As a proficient graphic designer, you realize that alignment is imperative in typography, and Justify is often a nightmare for most professionals.
Designers mainly use Left alignment for it can enhance readability. The Right alignment also becomes their second option to arrange text on one single side only. However, it will only work if you use the alignment correctly.
Understand the Measurement
Measurement in typography refers to a text block’s width. It’s the aspect you need to consider if you want your design product to come with high legibility. Lengthy lines will instead lead to reading disorientation.
On the contrary, short lines may disrupt the reading experience. Many theories can assist you in determining the optimum measure of your typography. The rule of thumb is to keep your lines around 52 to 78 characters which include spaces.
Select the Right Font Palette
When selecting a font palette, consider using color theory to help you find out which colors suit your design. For instance, red is regarded as one of those colors to increase appetite. Therefore, it’s prevalent in food design.
In terms of color, particular guidelines and rules are applied. While you can experiment as much as you want, be sure your font colors aren’t too distracting to the point that they can confuse the message in your graphic design product.
Refrain from Utilizing Font Fads
Font styles are like fashion that always has its new design every year. Some designers tend to use font styles that are currently on-trend without consideration. While it’s not wrong, such a trend usually can’t last a long time.
With that being said, you must be selective in choosing font trends for your design. Get to know why those fonts are popular before using them.
Look for Inspiration
The existing typeface can be your source of inspiration when finding or creating typography for your business. Figure out the aspects that make them effective and exciting. There are a bunch of online platforms where you can find many typography ideas.
Of course, as a graphic design expert, you are constantly surrounded by things that can spark your inspiration. Look for typefaces or graphics you find interesting. You can go to Pollux of Geminorum platform for this since they provide purchasable typefaces that can elevate the meaning of your design.