In the past, most people did not think much about brand logos. A logo was often treated simply as an aesthetic component of the company. These days, though, companies exert more effort into making great logos for their businesses. They start to recognize the importance of logos in branding and identity building. Logo, Branding, and …
Utilizing Graphic Design in Social Media Marketing
Marketing is arguably the most important part of a company’s operation in this era. Companies use many platforms for marketing their product, and social media takes a top spot on the list. In such a platform, graphic design becomes an important facet of the marketing activity. 7 Graphic Contents in Social Media If you are …
5 Uses of Graphic Design in Brand Development
Because the market is highly saturated, brand development becomes a massive challenge, particularly for a starting company. Successful branding will improve competitiveness, but taking an initial step is already so hard. Graphic design is able to help kick start the branding process. 5 Design Uses in Branding Business owners must understand that brand development is …
10 Most Famous Social Media Logos and Symbols of All-Time
We engage in multiple social media platforms every single day. They have been an integral part of our modern-day lifestyle. We use them for different purposes, either for personal or more commercial needs. Accordingly, it is even a piece of cake for us to tell the name of the social media logos and symbols at …
10 Most Iconic Company Logos, Plus Tips to Design Your Own!
There is no big company that doesn’t have a well-designed logo. That’s why a logo is always present as the top priority in a company’s branding project. Then, another thing that makes company logos so essential for a business is that they help build an impression of a brand. A logo becomes the first introduction …